The IBiS Excellence in Leadership and Engagement Award serves to recognize IBiS students who have committed their time and effort to leadership, service, and engagement within the IBiS program, Northwestern University, and the general community. IBiS students who go above and beyond to serve their community, create a more diverse and equitable environment within STEM, and support their fellow IBiS students are encouraged to apply.
2021 Excellence in Leadership & Engagement Award Information
Nominee must be a current IBiS student who has been admitted to Ph.D. candidacy at the time of the award acceptance.
IBiS students currently serving on the evaluation committee are not eligible for nomination until said position has been vacated.
Nomination deadline is Friday May 28, 2021.
Nomination Process
Any IBiS affiliate (faculty, staff, post-doc, grad student) can nominate a student.
Nominations should include a short statement (<150 words) detailing why they are nominating the student for this award.
All nominated IBiS students who meet the eligibility requirements will be invited to submit a full application.
Application deadline is Wednesday June 30, 2021.
Application Requirements
CV including relevant leadership, service, outreach, and volunteering experiences with the general community, Northwestern University, or the IBiS Program.
Essay describing your commitment to service and how your leadership roles have served the general community, created a more diverse and equitable environment within STEM, or supported fellow IBiS or Northwestern students (1 page limit).
One letter of recommendation from an individual who can describe your accomplishments in your service to IBiS, Northwestern, or the general community (Letters of recommendation may not be submitted by any individual currently serving on the evaluation committee, 500-word limit).
Statement of endorsement from PI acknowledging your eligibility and nomination for this award (150-word limit).
The evaluation committee reserves the right to request that applicants participate in a short interview if deemed necessary.
The awardee will be chosen based on a review of their application by a committee consisting of 2 IBiS Faculty, the current ISO President, the current ISO Outreach Chair, and the awardee from the previous year. (The IBiS Faculty sitting on the IBiS Retreat Planning Committee will also serve on the evaluation committee).
The awardee will be presented with a plaque and monetary prize ($500 funded by ISO & IBiS) at the annual IBiS Retreat.
The awardee will agree to serve as a student member of the evaluation committee for the next academic year. If the awardee has graduated from the program, they will agree to serve on the committee via email or video conference.
Evaluation Criteria
Applicants should focus on leadership roles that led to serving IBiS students, the Northwestern community, or the general community. Applicants are encouraged to share their volunteering/outreach experiences, but more weight will be placed on their leadership or organizing roles.
Relevant service and leadership toward the general community for this award are limited to STEM-related organizations/events. Applicants should focus on work that made STEM more accessible to underrepresented or underserved groups with regards to age, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and/or ability.
Relevant service and leadership toward the Northwestern community include roles that improve the education, training, and/or support of the general graduate or undergraduate student body.
Service to the IBiS program includes roles that go beyond what is generally asked of the IBiS student body. Leadership, service roles, or contributions related to IBiS should benefit a significant portion of the student body or improve the programming in a way that benefits the support, experience, and/or training of IBiS students.
While it is not required for applicants to hold leadership or service roles in each of the above categories, strong applicants will have experience in leadership or service to more than one of the above categories.
Letters of recommendation should address in what capacity the recommender knows and has worked with the applicant. Recommenders should speak to the applicant’s dedication and work towards the goals outlined in the award description.
Please use the 2021 nomination form found here. Nominations due by Friday, May 28th, 2021 at 5pm.
2020 Awardees: Alexis Reyes and Antoineen White